Lesson 9 Merry Christmas 第一课时 教案设计

绵阳市子云小学 敬艳秋 2018-06-25 12:13:31 上传:木棉的春天 浏览:1次

Lesson 9MerryChristmas 第一课时


绵阳市子云小学 敬艳秋



在Work in pairs 和Listen and practise中呈现的语言点与课文内容呈现的语言点关系并不大。仔细研读课文,将课文的知识重点梳理为:

1. 在真实的语境中表达赞美What a…!而该感叹句型在11册的第4课和7册的Lesson G中出现过,本课时着重在于灵活运用。

2. 赠送礼物的礼仪与交际用语Here’s a … for you. I hope you like it. ——Oh, thank you. I like it very much.

3. 了解圣诞节的童话故事、西方人是如何过圣诞节的,并探讨圣诞节的核心文化价值——love, peace, getting togerther, thanks, best wishes.


1. 小组建设下的合作学习与评价:


2. 将学习内容与学习过程融合,动态生成的真实语境:

将小组评价的生成性结果与欣赏圣诞树及装饰物巧妙地融为一体,在真实的语境中呈现、并充分有效地运用句型What a pretty Christmas tree!同时,教师在对小组的评价中呈现句型Here’s a … for you. I hope you like it.环环相扣的动态生成既是评价又是下一步的学习内容,也为学生的输出做好语言铺垫。

Have a Christmas party的活动分为Sing 《Jingle Bells》和赠送礼物给自己的朋友,并在真实语境中灵活运用语言Here’s a … for you. I hope you like it. ——Oh, thank you. I like it very much. 让学生在真实交际的语境中提升文化语言素养。

3. 思维能力与学习策略的构建:

通过一系列问题呈现Santa Claus的故事线索,循循善诱地在故事情境中呈现新词汇,以问题激活已知帮助学生构建词汇学习策略。看图预测人物对话人物在交际情境中的对话、探讨西方人如何过圣诞节以及圣诞节的核心文化价值。在主题目标下,多角度激活学生的思维、提升学生的思辨力与表达力。

4. 节日的核心文化价值观:

通过出示西方人过圣诞节的图片、场景,讨论圣诞的核心意义在于getting together,

love, sharing, best wishes。同时引出中国的春节,对比得出文化相似性,进而培养学生对世界文化的包容性。Homework将圣诞节的核心文化价值落脚于生活之中,用实际行动去传递爱、感恩与祝福。



1. 能听、说、读、写四会单词:Santa Claus, reindeer, sleigh, coloured lights, chimney, bell.

2. 在语境中灵活运用句型:What a pretty Christmas tree!

3. 学习赠送礼物的交际用语并灵活运用:

——Here’s a Christmas tree for you. I hope you like it.

——Oh, thank you. I like it very much.


1. 能听、说、读、写本课时的6个四会单词;

2. 能在真实的语境灵活自如地表达交际用语:

(1)What a …! 表达赞美;

(2)能灵活运用Here’s a Christmas tree for you. I hope you like it. ——Oh, thank you. I like it very much. 赠送、接受礼物进行交际活动。


1. 在圣诞装饰物准备、词汇学习、句型操练、交际活动等环节学会小组合作学习,培养团队意识、彼此激励提升合作策略;

2. 课前自己动手准备装饰物、课中亲手装饰圣诞树、感受圣诞节的氛围,培养学生对美的创造与欣赏;

3. 在真实语境中感受互赠礼物的交际礼仪;

4. 感受节日文化并理解其背后重要的核心价值观,引导学生将爱、平安、亲情、团聚、分享与祝福等在生活中的延伸。


1. 掌握四会单词;

2. 在真实的语境中用感叹句与互赠礼物的句型进行表达。


1. 在小组合作学习中彼此激励、提升表达力与互助学习的策略;

2. 在交际中灵活使用语言。





(3)自学唱会P52的《Jingle Bells》。



2. 教师准备:







Step One: Warming up.

1. Greeting:Hello, kids. How are you today? I’mso happy. Let’s enjoy a song ^Jingle Bells^.

2. T: What’s the festival?... Yes, Christmas. So Merry Christmas to you! (板书课题)。

3. T: When is Christmas? Ss: … T: Yes, it’s on December 25th. What do you know about Christmas? What can you see?(PPT) Ss: A Christmas tree …T: Good. Today we can decorate Christmas trees. When you work hard, I will show you my thumb, and make your tree beautiful with your decorations. OK?

(设计意图:欣赏圣诞歌曲《Jing Bells》,清新简洁地引入课题。并通过谈论PPT上呈现的圣诞相关装饰物,引出Christmas tree,并借此机会介绍本课时的评价机制——通过个人和小组合作学习获得将课前自制的手工圣诞装饰物来装扮圣诞树的机会。组内学生亲自参与的课前手工制作已经为本课的学习做好了充分的情感积蓄。)

Step Two: Learn the words.

1. (用PPT,通过故事呈现词汇)

(1)Santa Claus

T: Wow! There are so many presents here(PPT). Who give us presents on Christmas? Yes, it’s Santa Claus. Listen and repeat. Can you read “because, cause”? So–au pronounces ? So Santa ... Ss: Santa Cl-au-s.


How does Santa Claus come? He rides a bike or drive a car? Ss: … T: Yes, he rides on a sleigh(PPT). Listen and repeat. How does –eigh pronounce? Do you know some words with –eigh? Ss: Eight! Yes, excellent! Read it in teams.


Who pulls the sleigh? dogs? horses? Yes, reindeer! Reindeer pulls the sleigh. How does –rein pronounce? Let’s read.


Look! What is around the reindeer’s neck? Yes, bells. How does –e pronounce? Do you know any words about –e? Ss: Bed, bet,sell,let,get…


Where does Santa Claus come into the house? Through the door? The window?(PPT) Ss: No, he comes down the chimney. Listen and read in teams. How does –ch pronounce? Do you know some words with ch-? Ss: China, chair,chicken… T:Good! Look and read. Ss: “chick”, “chips”.

(6)coloured lights

T: Wow, how nice they look! These are…? Good, coloured lights. What are the coloured lights for? Ss: A Christmas tree... a party for Christmas. T: Yes! We are looking forward to Christmas. Let’s enjoy.

(设计意图:通过Santa Claus赠送礼物的故事线索呈现本课时单词,逐步深入的问题循循善诱让学生在一个整体的语境下与思维线索中感知故事、学习单词,从而实现词汇音、义、形的同步建构;同时,在词汇学习中引入自然拼读、激活学生的已有词汇,帮助学生构建词汇学习策略,为整理和建构清晰而丰富的词汇库做准备。)

2. 小组合作学习、操练、巩固词汇:

(1)Read all the words together with pictures.(教师图卡)

(2)Work in teams to learn the words. (学生的自备词卡)

(3)Play "Turnip standing" in teams: S1 says “chimney”, the student who has “chimney” stand up quickly and say “chimney, chimney”, S1 says “Santa Claus”, the student who has “Santa Claus” stand up quickly and says “Santa Claus, Santa Claus”. And then they can change the leader and change their cards.


(4)Read all the words together.

(5)Ss guess the words with parts of the pictures.

(6) T show parts of the words,Ss guess.Just like:_e__.Ss: Bell,b-e-l-l.


Step Three: Learn the sentences in true situations.

句型一: What a ...!

1. PPT呈现一棵漂亮的圣诞树:

T: Wow!What a pretty Christmas tree! 板书句子Celebrate the pretty Christmas trees in teams and individuals.

2. Show Ss some pictures and talk about them with the topic sentence.

3. T: Wow! Look! What a pretty …!引导学生一起谈论某组的圣诞树。

4. Team work: Talk about the Christmas trees.

5. Show and talk about the Christmas trees.

(设计意图:通过引导学生谈论PPT上的Christmas tree和各小组的Christmas tree来呈现和操练句型,在真实情境中轻松掌握句型,也激励着学生更加踊跃地表达,以满足他们将圣诞树装饰得更加漂亮的预期。同时,对于表达特别优秀的学生教师适时送出圣诞贺卡,在真实的语境中自然呈现句型二)

句型二:-Here's a … for you. I hope you like it.

-Oh, thank you. I like it very much.

1. T:Hi, girl! Here's a Christmas card for you. I hope you like it.Girl: Oh, thank you.

板书句型,listen, repeat and read in teams.

2. T:(PPT)What will the girl say?引导学生回答: Oh, thank you. I like it very much.

3. Read together and in teams.

4. T:Hi, team 1. Here's a present for you. I hope you like it. Team 1: Oh, tank you. I like it very much. T:Now please send the present to Team2. Team2 send the present to Team3...

Step Four:运用与拓展.

1. T sends a present to a student with the topic sentences and say “Merry Christmas! ”to each other. S1 sends his present to his friend.

2. T:Dear kids,let's have a Christmas party.Let's sing and dance and you can send your present to your friends.(play the music of Christmas)

(设计意图:通过上一环节的评价机制在语境中自然呈现句型二,以组间活动操练赠送礼物和接受礼物的句型,真实有效、学生参与面广。Have a Christmas party将课堂推向一个高潮,同时,赠送和接受礼物给自己的朋友让学生在真实的语境中充分、灵活地运用语言、祝福圣诞。)

Step Five:文化价值观的渗透.

1. T:How do western people celebrate Christmas? PPT呈现西方人过圣诞的典型场景。Ss: They go shopping/decorate… /have a ...dinner/ send…/wear… /sing…/have a party... T: Good! Butwhat’s the most important thing of Christmas Day? Talk in teams.

2. T:Can you tell us what's the most important thing of Christmas?Ss: Love, peace, thanks, sharing, best wishes, getting together… T:Great! What do you want to say on Christmas? And to whom? S1: I want to say “I love you”to my parents. S2: … T:Wow! Perfect ! So merry Christmas and thank you, my dear children.


3. T: You know, Chirstmas is the most important festival in the west. What about China, what is the most important festival? Ss: Spring Festival. T: Yes! What are the same with Christmas? Ss share their ideas: Love, best wishes, getting together,peace, thanks…T: Yes, we live in different countries, of one world ——the world which is full of love. We can make the world more lovely. I love you, and merry Christmas.


Step Six: Homework.

T:So today's homework is making a Christmas present or card for your parents,teachers or friends and tell them your love, thanks and wishes.


标签: 小学英语  圣诞节  小组建设下的合作学习与评价  将学习内容与学习过程融合  动态生成的真实语境  思维能力与学习策略的构建  节日的核心文化价值观  
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